Correction pocket knife - replacement opener

Zákazník mi zaslal k opravě trojdílný zavírací nůž, který dostal kdysi od svého otce. Zkrátka srdeční záležitost. Chtěl vyměnit zlomenou čepel, otvíráku na konzervy.


repair knives, knives modification, repair the knife handle, knife handle manufacture, repair damaged knives, sharpening knives, broken tip of a knife, pommel, rivet, tang, handle, guard, ricasso, choin, spine, fuller, clip, primary grind angle, belly, secondary bevel or edge,

repair knives, knives modification, repair the knife handle, knife handle manufacture, repair damaged knives, sharpening knives, broken tip of a knife, pommel, rivet, tang, handle, guard, ricasso, choin, spine, fuller, clip, primary grind angle, belly, secondary bevel or edge,

repair knives, knives modification, repair the knife handle, knife handle manufacture, repair damaged knives, sharpening knives, broken tip of a knife, pommel, rivet, tang, handle, guard, ricasso, choin, spine, fuller, clip, primary grind angle, belly, secondary bevel or edge,


Petr Chalupa - Bedrock

V Lípách 31, 290 01 Sokoleč

Czech republic

Tel.: +420 603 817 989



50°5'42.623"N, 15°6'22.766"E



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