Repair knives - handle replacement Cold Steel Mini Hunter

Zákazník požadoval odstranění původní pryžové rukojeti a její výměnu za rukojeť z materiálu Micarta.


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repair knives, knives modification, repair the knife handle, knife handle manufacture, repair damaged knives, sharpening knives, broken tip of a knife, pommel, rivet, tang, handle, guard, ricasso, choin, spine, fuller, clip, primary grind angle, belly, secondary bevel or edge,

repair knives, knives modification, repair the knife handle, knife handle manufacture, repair damaged knives, sharpening knives, broken tip of a knife, pommel, rivet, tang, handle, guard, ricasso, choin, spine, fuller, clip, primary grind angle, belly, secondary bevel or edge,


Petr Chalupa - Bedrock

V Lípách 31, 290 01 Sokoleč

Czech republic

Tel.: +420 603 817 989



50°5'42.623"N, 15°6'22.766"E



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